Leadership LMDP Modules Network News Project Management Team Management

UAD Conducted Phase 2 Batch 2 of Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP)

Following up the Leadership Training of Management Development Program (LMDP) UAD Phase 1 granted by Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead). UAD conducted Phase 2 of LMDP. Phase 2 was officially opened by Dr. Farid Setiawan, M.Pd.I. (Leader of the UAD LMDP Task Force Team) with a report on the progress of activities, followed by […]

Featured Leadership LMDP Network News Project Management Team Management

UAD Conducted Phase 2 Batch 1 of Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP)

Following up the Training of Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP) UAD Phase 1 granted by Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead). UAD conducted Phase 2 of LMDP. Phase 2 was officially opened by Dr. Farid Setiawan, M.Pd.I. (Leader of the UAD LMDP Task Force Team) with a report on the progress of activities, followed by […]

Decision Making Featured Leadership LMDP Modules Network News Project Management Strategy Tools Team Management

University of Brawijaya Held The Second Phase of The IHilead Leadership Training Implementation

The Institute for Educational Development, University of Brawijaya (LPP UB) held the second phase of the IHilead Leadership Training Implementation on July 25, 2023. This training was attended by 71 participants of Heads of Undergraduate Study Programs at Universitas Brawijaya, divided into 3 batches in parallel. The second phase of the training takes the topic […]

Leadership LMDP

The LMDP iHiLead Program Encourages Unpad to Set Future Leaders

In an effort to implement the Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) program, Universitas Padjadjaran conducted the “Leadership and Management Development Program” (LMDP) Phase 1 at Mason Pine Hotel, Kota Baru Parahyangan, on June 8 – 9, 2023. Based on press release received by Kanal Media Unpad, the training was attended by 33 participants divided into […]

Decision Making Featured Leadership LMDP Modules Network News Project Management Strategy Tools Team Management

UAD Conducted The First Phase Batch 2 of Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP)

The Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP) team of UAD conducted the Phase 1 Batch 2 training from 5th to 8th June 2023. This event is the realization of the Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) program. On the first day, the topics were Higher Education Leadership Quality and Skills (HELQS) delivered by Dr. Farid Setiawan, […]

Featured Leadership LMDP News

UAD Conducted The First Phase Batch 1 of Training of Management Development Program (LMDP)

The Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP) team of UAD conducted the Phase 1 Batch 2 training. This event is the realization of the Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) program. It was divided into two batches, the partcipants of Batch 1 are from UAD, and Batch 2 are from UAD and Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher […]

Decision Making Leadership LMDP Network News Team Management

Promoting Leadership in Higher Education, UNNES and Erasmus+iHiLead Organize Leadership Enhancement Training

The Leadership Enhancement Training for Higher Education organized by Erasmus+ Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) in collaboration with Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) has been successfully conducted. Leadership training holds significant benefits for leaders in understanding the best strategies to strengthen teams, enhance collaboration, and create a productive work environment. Therefore, UNNES collaborated with iHiLead to […]

Leadership LMDP Network News Project Management Team Management

IHilead Leadership Training Implementation

The Institute for Educational Development, University of Brawijaya (LPP UB) held the IHilead Leadership Training Implementation for Heads of Study Program (KPS) Undergraduate (S1) on June 21-23 2023. This training was attended by 72 participants, carried out in 3 batches in parallel. The training also includes invited external participants from 6 universities in East Java. […]

Leadership LMDP News Uncategorized

Leaders of Higher Education Institutions Need Leadership Training

Directors, Heads of Departments, and Division Chiefs at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) participated in the Phase 1 Wave 2 Leadership Development Training Program for Higher Education from June 12th to 15th, 2023. This program is part of the Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLEAD) Project, funded by Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education and […]

Leadership Network News Piloting and ToT Project Management

Trainings for Trainers at Partner Universities

Continuing the piloting Trains the Trainers of leadership development program that was carried out on three Phases at UII, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Brawijaya and STIE Malangkucecwara previously, then it is implemented on each partner. This training for trainers (TFT) is carried out by every partner in Indonesia in order to add the number of trainers […]