On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, a breakfast seminar entitled “Leadership for a new World” was held. There were 3 speakers, namely Drs. Bunyamin, MM, PhD, the Chairman of STIE Malangkuçeçwara as the keynote speaker, Prof. Dyah Sawitri, SE., MM, the head of LLDIKTI region 7, and Prof. Pilar Ibarrondo Davila, PhD.

The world is changing rapidly, and leadership is key to facing new challenges. In this seminar, we will gain insights on how to become innovative, transformational, and resilient leaders who are needed to address the ongoing changes around the world.
Together with experienced speakers, Prof. Pilar Ibarrondo Davila, Ph.D. from the University of Granada, Spain, Drs. Bunyamin, M.M., Ph.D. from STIE Malangkuçeçwara, and Prof. Dr. Dyah Sawitri, S.E., M.M., the Head of LLDIKTI VII Jawa Timur, we will deepen our understanding of the role of leaders in creating positive change. The seminar will also discuss leadership strategies that are relevant in the era of the 5th Industrial Revolution, including issues such as sustainability, AI technology, social inclusion, and more.
This seminar will provide a valuable opportunity to share views, experiences, and knowledge with other leaders and thinkers. It is hoped that through this activity, we can inspire and motivate each other to become better leaders who can bring the world in a better direction.