Leadership LMDP Network News Project Management Team Management

IHilead Leadership Training Implementation

The Institute for Educational Development, University of Brawijaya (LPP UB) held the IHilead Leadership Training Implementation for Heads of Study Program (KPS) Undergraduate (S1) on June 21-23 2023. This training was attended by 72 participants, carried out in 3 batches in parallel. The training also includes invited external participants from 6 universities in East Java. […]

Leadership Network News Piloting and ToT Project Management

Trainings for Trainers at Partner Universities

Continuing the piloting Trains the Trainers of leadership development program that was carried out on three Phases at UII, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Brawijaya and STIE Malangkucecwara previously, then it is implemented on each partner. This training for trainers (TFT) is carried out by every partner in Indonesia in order to add the number of trainers […]