As a business college, STIE Malangkuçeçwara or ABM successfully hosted a series of Leadership Training of Leadership and Management Development Program (LMDP) programs.
The peak of this activity was marked by monitoring and evaluation and the third phase, on Friday (December 15, 2023).

Dwi Nita Aryani, MM, PhD, the Head of the International Affairs Office (KUI) of STIE Malangkuçeçwara, explained that this series of activities was part of the output of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLead) program. The goal is to improve leadership in universities.
IHiLead is a collective effort sponsored by Erasmus + and participated by 7 universities in Indonesia, 3 universities in Europe, and supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to build a leadership school in 2021 until 2024.
“This activity started from phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. In phase 3, trainees or participants present the results of their phase 1 and phase 2 training and provide alternative solutions to clients,” said Dwi Nita.
She continued, the clients referred to companies or universities with a focus on the constraints of developing leadership capacity.
In the future, the gathering of ideas will be followed up on a sustainable basis by the Association of Higher Education Leadership Education (Pemimpin).

“Including there will also be a symposium seminar in May 2024 which will invite universities throughout Indonesia which will be held in Malang on May 2-3, 2024,” she added.
In addition to STIE Malangkuçeçwara, the activity also involved participants from several parties, namely the College of Administrative Sciences, the Cooperative College, STIEKN Jaya Negara, Stiki University, and the Malang Agricultural Institute.

“They become trainees, then they are divided into five groups, from these five groups then 5 clients. These clients are also from various universities. Then besides trainees, clients, there are trainers, we also provide training before the LMDP is carried out,” said Dwi Nita.
There was also Rodrigo Martin Rojas PhD, the Business and Management Department International Mobility Coordinator, Economics and Business School Campus de Cartuja – Granada.

In order to monitor and evaluate the process of the activity going well and according to expectations.
Therefore, the existence of this project is expected to have a national impact for leaders in higher education. Especially for both clients and trainees so that they can apply it in their respective universities.
“After they get the training getting phase 1,2, and 3 finished, they can apply it and disseminate it in their own environment,” she concluded.
This activity is expected to be able to improve leadership skills and competencies in higher education institutions in Indonesia. The project also aims to build a network of leaders in higher education in Indonesia and Europe.