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UII and 6 Indonesian Campuses Receive Erasmus+ Capacity Building Grants

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is one of six universities in Indonesia and three universities in three European countries as an Erasmus+ Capacity Building grant in the field of Higher Education (CBHE) under the name of the Indonesian Higher Education Leadership (iHiLEAD) program.

Apart from UII, six campuses that received grants, namely Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, Brawijaya University, Semarang State University, Padjadjaran University, Presidential University, and Malangkuḉeḉwara STIE, while three campuses in Europe, namely the University of Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom, the International School for Social and Business Studies in Slovenia, and the University of Granada in Spain.

Coordinator for Quality Project on Pilot Training Dian Sari Utami, explained that her party has set 2022 as one of the program implementations held by the Pilot of Staff Training Workshop for Leadership Management Development Program (LMDP) as a mix on 11-15 July 2022.

“The implementation of this first phase will be carried out at UII with presenters and participants who are members of the Erasmus iHiLead Program consortium,” he explained in a release received by, Monday (11/7/2022).

In her presentation, Dian said the implementation of the Erasmus iHiLead Program began in 2021 to develop curriculum and training modules for leadership development in tertiary institutions, as well as a Training Workshop for Trainers in December 2021.

UII Chancellor Fathul Wahid said this program intends to develop a leadership school module for prospective tertiary leaders.

“We have developed and been running for more than a year. The existing modules will be tested for each lecturer and education staff as participants for the next week,” said Fathul

It is hoped that later after participating in the training, the lecturers and teaching staff will be better prepared to become higher education leaders in the future.

Not only that, for Fathul this agenda is also a place for reflection for every existing higher education leader. According to him, everyone’s experience is different in leading.

“Regarding setting up and organizing institutions has become so challenging, because we have differences in managing and finding a suitable leadership style,” he said.

Erasmus+ iHiLead UII Project Leader Ilya Fadjar Maharika revealed the aim of the program, namely to establish relationships and create institutions that can initiate the development of future leaders in higher education. “Now it is in the process of being legalized under the name PEMIMPIN (Higher Education Leadership Management Association),” said Ilya.

Apart from that, continued Ilya Fadjar Maharika, this program is also a material for reflection for every existing leader. This means that there is knowledge and skills that can be shared between each leader. Young leaders to seniors and vice versa. Can share knowledge between generations.

Not only that, Ilya Fadjar Maharika explained, the modules developed in the curriculum will be implemented in stages in three phases. The first phase is building the initiative, the second phase is the change project, and ends in the third phase, namely spreading the benefits.

Director of Master of Arts Higher Education Leadership and Management, University of Gloucestershire David Dawson, appreciated UII for the ongoing collaboration.

David Dawson said this project (IHiLEAD) is one of the very good agenda. “In responding to changing times and challenges in the future, we must replace and adjust the level of each existing institution,” he said.

Furthermore, according to David Dawson, every line of education must be transformed for the better. This is to create quality leaders in the future. He hopes that this program can survive, maintaining the relationships that have been built from every institution involved.

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