On Friday 15 October 2021, International School for Social and Business Studies (Slovenia) has organised an event within Erasmus Days »International Erasmus+ project challenges and learning opportunities«, where we have presented our active international projects, their content, activities, and objectives. The online dissemination event has been attended by app. 25 ISSBS’ students and 10 foreign […]
Category: Piloting and ToT

Seven Indonesian universities, namely Ahmad Dahlan University, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya, Semarang State University, Padjajaran University, President University, and STIE Malangkuḉeḉwara as well as three European universities consisting of the University of Gloucestershire (UoG), from United Kingdom, The International School for Business and Social Studies (ISBSS) from Slovenia, and the University of Granada from […]